Digital Audio Books Are Modern Storytellers

Digital audio books and audio book downloads are becoming increasingly popular. In fact, a recent study by the Audio book Publishers Association estimated audio book sales at approximately $925 Million. With the recent sale of audio book publisher Audible to for nearly $300 Million it would appear continued growth is on the horizon.Recent technology advancements are certainly driving this trend such as the ever popular Ipod and other mp3 players.Could there be more to the appeal of digital audio books than a multi-tasking world and a GLAM Ipod?I would suggest that perhaps there is a much greater appeal than the obvious conveniences and portability of audio books. Could the ancient art of “Storytelling” be making a digital comeback? From our earliest days drawing on the walls of caves and gathering around campfires throughout the centuries the Art of telling stories has always been a central and vital focus.Every culture has its own stories,myths, traditions, and legends. The “storyteller” was often in a revered position.The story tellers have always been giving hoping to share, inspire, educate, entertain, and make their listeners happy.While the oral tradition appears to have gone digital, the subtle nuances of the human voice and the power of the spoken word give a fuller meaning to the stories or other information being shared. The volume, rate, tone, softness, contrast, and pitch can all be varied and have a great connecting effect much more than a written text. Through the vividness of the voice It is easier to feel emotionally closer to the story, the characters, and the author.Isn’t it true that the stories we first heard as children were someone reading or telling us a story?I think it is the unique connection with the author or narrators voice in audio books that make the difference. When listening to an audio book you can just relax and get into the flow of the story without having to actively read and concentrate. It is like having a conversation with a close friend. These are just a few of the reasons that audio books are and will continue to be popular.While appearance of digital audio book technology has changed the tools available to storytellers one of the most precious things about being human is our ability to tell and listen to stories!